Do you ever feel that, despite all the improvement strategies implemented, the marginality of your company operating in the textile-clothing supply chain does not repay the efforts made?

Do you ever feel that, despite all the improvement strategies implemented, the marginality of your company operating in the textile-clothing supply chain does not repay the efforts made?

Do you ever feel that, despite all the improvement strategies implemented, the marginality of your company operating in the textile-clothing supply chain does not repay the efforts made?

In the luxury market, supply exceeds demand

This grants brands enormous negotiating power that can influence the stability of companies throughout the entire production chain.

To defend yourself, you can certainly continue to work on price, invest in research and innovation, and try to improve service.

In the long run, however, you risk seeing your competitive space increasingly squeezed among other actors in the production chain and brands.

Alternatively, you can look beyond and try to build opportunities: upstream or downstream integration in new points of the supply chain, entering new markets, expanding the range of products or services offered, or selecting new supply channels.
We call these opportunities strategic options.
The necessary condition for fully seizing these opportunities is to have an adequate organizational structure and be ready to embrace changes, and have goals to achieve.

Being prepared means first understanding what internal skills can be relied upon and which ones are needed instead.

With the right help, you can conquer high-value market segments and grow and evolve without necessarily increasing personnel costs.

With the right help, you can conquer high-value market segments and grow and evolve without necessarily increasing personnel costs.





We provide you with expertise, knowledge, and organization throughout the supply chain: from the purchase of raw materials, to the fabric printing and knitwear production process, to the packaging of finished garments according to the standards of the most demanding customers. Sustainability policies and access to grants and funding.

Strategic options

Strategic options

We can guide you

in identifying the best

hidden opportunities,

specific to your position in the market and supply chain.



We can provide you with the organizational and industrial solutions you need to achieve your goals and make your company profitable and dynamic.

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